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How to code programmatically in Xcode-Swift 4 ? Create a new Story Board programmatically….

Hello Everyone!!!
Auto Layout is how we layout our UI in iOS applications. Learning how to use it programmatically can be overwhelming at first. In this introduction series, we’ll look at how to easily anchor elements onto the screen relative to other items.

Most of the times, Xcode shows errors regarding constraints in the main storyboards. So, it is better to code programmatically by using the anchors.

Let’s get started

Step 1:- Open Xcode, Select the main storyboard & delete it…(move to trash)

Step 2:- Now, go to the info.plist & delete the key of “Main Storyboard file base name”

Step 3:- To build our storyboard programmatically.…Go to the App Delegate & write the following code…

Here, we have created a new window with the reference of user’s physical device. “makeKeyAndVisible()” -> It will show the window & makes it key window. Then we have connected the storyboard window to the View Controller with the help of “RootViewController”.

Now, go to View Controller & write a small code to test our recently created new window

In view did load, type -> view?.backgroundColor = .blue

The simulator will show the blue background of window………..

Good Job! You just have created a new storyboard programmatically…



How to { Compile + Run } a C Program Using Nano

Hello Everyone !!! If you don't have an IDE or Software with you to run your code, then don't worry !!! We have Hulk. Oops !! Sorry that was Tony Stark's dialogue... We have Nano to Compile & Run the program. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to compile & run a C program using Nano Text Editor on the Terminal. Intro In the previous tutorial, we learned about the basic functions of Nano Text Editor using Command Line. If you haven't seen the previous tut, then click here . I found this feature of running C program with Nano while Code Blocks Software on my Mac was continuously crashing. So, when you don't have any IDE (Integrated Development Environment), you should use Nano. Let's Get Started Let's open up the Terminal. We can use (Ctrl + Alt + T) shortcut to open the terminal. The terminal is a very powerful tool of the operating system. Creating a new file DCs-MacBook-Air:~ Dhanraj$ nano fileName.c Here, ...

NANO | Command Line Text Editor

In this tutorial, you will learn to open, view & edit text files using the "Nano Text Editor" by running amazing commands in the terminal. Index Intro  Why Use Text Editors?  Let's Get Started  Open Text Editor  Create a New File  Open Existing File  Editing The File  Saving The File  Useful Cheats  Final Touch  What's Next?  Intro If you want features like undo/redo, syntax highlighting, line numbers, multiple files at once, replace at all locations, file locking, file backup with simple commands, then definitely you need Nano Text Editor. Nano is quite an old text editor written in C. Text Editor is a program which allows you open, view, edit text files. Text Editors can handle many different programming languages like C, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS, etc. There are some Softwares like Microsoft Word, Pages, Google Docs. But, we can't use them to code. Text Editors are not IDE (Integrated Development Envi...

How To Convert Integer Into ASCII Value Using C Program ?

Hi Everyone!!! At the end of this module, you will be able to get ASCII value from Integer using a C program. Intro There are many hidden tricks in C that are very useful and simple to use. Now, we are going to code a C program that converts an integer into ASCII value. Let's Go. Logic Declare a character variable Store character value to that variable from the user ("%c") Print the ASCII value ("%d") Program Output Trick Here is a trick. When we convert a character value into an integer by using ("%s" to "%d"), GNU Compiler prints the ASCII value assigned to that character. This conversion is known as Type-Casting in programming. Outro If you like it, please share it with your friends and leave your comments below. Thank You!!!